Final Inspection Checklist (FREE PDF)

Nothing’s more exciting than receiving news that your new house keys are ready for handover and you can move into your dream home anytime. It’s an ecstatic feeling knowing that those keys are almost yours but you still need to play it cool because you’ll need to do a final inspection before a handover.

With the inspection and a thorough walk-through of all the rooms, imperfections are easily spotted and you can identify any compliance and building issues that you see rather than confronting your real estate agent or builder and having to deal with the mess when they do the job AFTER you move in.

Final Inspection Checklist:

There are many items on the final inspection checklist that need to be checked. Make sure you check them all and don’t be afraid to mention anything and be firm. The last thing you want is to regret and know that the builder or sales rep have heard a lot worse.

I have put an example of what you should be checking in a general room on your final inspection and is a copy from the new Home checklist below.

Download the full checklist in the link below.

Can the door open and close well?
For sliding doors, do they slide smoothly?
Is the door free from any cosmetic damage?
Are the handles and knobs working?
Are the locks and keys working?
Are the doorway and hinges properly fixed?
Is the floor flat, smooth, and free from scratches, cracks or damage? Walk around it to
make sure it is good and stable.
Are the walls free from damage? Is the paint
smooth, even and free from bubbles?
Is the ceiling free from any damage? Is the paint
even and free from bubbles or marks?
Are the corners of the rooms free from any
abnormalities and cracks?
Are the cornices (molding between the ceiling
and floor) free from any damage or gaps? (they may also be on your floors)
Are the electric sockets working properly.
Are the telephone / internet sockets present
and working? (If applicable for that room)
Are all lightbulb fittings correct and working?
Do the light switches work?
Do the heating / cooling systems work?
Are the heating / cooling vents properly installed?
Can the windows open and close well?
Are the window frames fixed properly?
Do the window locks work?
Are the rubber and glass free from damage?
Are any windowsills fitted well, with even paint
and free from damage or scratches?

Free Final Inspection Checklist PDF Download

I have put together a huge PDF final inspection checklist for you to download that covers everything you need below:

Why is the pre handover final inspection important?

You’ve already invested your time and money on a new property, so everything needs to be perfect when you finally step in and call the place your home.

Pre-handover inspection is your last chance to ensure that your property is built according to plan, fire safety and other types of compliance are met, and waterproofing is installed properly, to name a few.

It’s also the perfect opportunity that all finishing touches are done exactly how you want them to be. Any imperfections, like gaps on your kitchen bench or wobbly curtain rails, would need to be pointed out so they can fix it before the official handover.

In the case of an established home, it is your final check before settlement and getting the keys. It is usually done a week before you get the keys so the seller has time to fix things up. You will check and make sure everything is in the same condition as when you put the offer on the home. This is called a pre-settlement inspection.

What to check at the  final inspection before settlement?

If you’re a first-time homeowner, it’s perfectly normal to get the jitters because you’re unsure what to do next. To make your life easier, we’ve put together a short inspection list to keep with you.

The main components you should check on final inspection day are:

  • Exterior
  • Doors
  • Windows (sliding and locking)
  • Walls
  • Ceiling
  • Floors
  • Wet Areas
  • Electrical plug sockets
  • Lighting
  • Benchtops
  • Cupboards
  • Taps (not leaking)
  • Toilet (flushing and not leaking)
  • Door and window Locks
  • Garage door is working
  • Air conditioning
  • Heating
  • Hot water unit
  • Reticulation
  • Plugs for sinks
  • Door bell
  • Alarm system
  • Pool and pool pump
  • Curtains and blinds
  • Door handles working

Start with the floors, walls and ceilings

First things first. Inspect the walls, floors and ceilings of your new home. To get a better feel of the floor surface, take off shoes and walk around so it’s easier to inspect polishing and to feel for bumps on the carpeting or loose fitting on the edges. If you have linoleum or hardwood flooring, make sure that there are no scuffmarks.

Look around and check the ceiling cornice for any protruding nail heads or cracks. Not only is that not pleasing to look at, but it can also be a potential risk if left unattended. You also need to carefully inspect tiled floorings for chips and cracks, and if there’s any grout missing.

Dont forget to inspect the exterior

Make sure to check the exterior of the building. Paint and mortar on window frames is unacceptable. Cracks to external render needs to be checked. Down pipes should have two ties on the holding them in place and drains should have grates on top. 

Inspect every corner and angle

Scanning through rooms is not enough. During inspection, you need to take your time to take in all the details and spot any imperfection there is. Sometimes they won’t be noticeable at first but if you have a careful look, that’s when you’ll see them, if there are any. Get a chair and stand on it so you can have a close-up look of the ceiling and see the corners at a better view point.

Check the plumbing and taps

Check all your taps to see if they turn on and off without any issues. Keep them running for five minutes and if you have a tub, fill it with water and drain after to check for fixture or drainage leaks.

Flush the toilets and check for any leaks on the base because surely you wouldn’t want to be surprised one day with nasty leaks that are stressful to deal with. Is the air conditioner the correct size for the room and in working condition?

While you’re at it, better check the countertops as well for any unattractive abrasions and scratches. Cabinets should have a smooth finish, with hinges working well and quiet. Same with the drawers, which you should be able to pull in and out without any issues.

If there are any appliances that came with your plan, make sure that you also test them for functionality.

Check wiring and power points

Each light fixture should be installed securely and with no cracks or broken parts. Test each light switch by turning it on and making sure lights are working correctly. If you can, bring a small appliance with you that you can plug into the outlets to test. One with an indicator light is a smart idea because you’ll quickly know if the socket is working or not.

If there’s a doorbell installed, you need to check that one as well. If you’ve paid extra for CCTV and they’ve installed it prior to moving in, it’s worth checking as well if you’re happy with the scope of the CCTV view, if you want the angle adjusted, or if there are any electrical connection issues that need to be sorted out.

Doors, screens, windows and gates

Inspecting doors, windows, and screens are easy. Open and close them to ensure they’re working smoothly and they can be opened and shut without scraping or squeaking noises. Make sure that glass doors have no cracks at all.

For windows, it’s important to check for air leaks around the edges. Open them to their fullest to check for functionality and then use a lit matchstick or lighter to check for air leaks when they’re fully closed. If there are screens installed, make sure that you also inspect them for tears and holes.

Tips for your final inspection before settlement checklist

Having a checklist is just one thing to make your pre-handover inspection a breeze. But there are more things that you can do to even make it easier.

Write everything down

 You can use our downloadable checklist to use as your guideline inspection. Don’t just rely on your builder to provide you with a list of what to check and what you want to get fixed. If you find any issues, make sure that you write it down and present it to your builder for rectification.

Take your time inspecting

A new home is a big investment so make sure that you take your time inspecting and walking through all the rooms. There’s no need to feel rushed and pressured that you need to finish it within a certain amount of time.

Scheduling matters

The builder or seller will need enough time between the inspection and the closing date for them to correct any issues identified during the inspection. If you can, schedule it at least a week before so that not only can you take your time for the walk through, but your builder won’t also need to rush the job and compromise its quality.

Insist that issues need to be fixed         

You’re the buyer and you need to make sure you’re getting the value for your money. If you find anything that needs to be fixed, insist that the builder needs to fix it before the moving in date. Otherwise, it won’t be considered a priority or an urgent job once the keys are handed over.

I have put an example of what you should be checking in a general room on your final inspection and is a copy from the new Home checklist above.

Can the door open and close well?
For sliding doors, do they slide smoothly?
Is the door free from any cosmetic damage?
Are the handles and knobs working?
Are the locks and keys working?
Are the doorway and hinges properly fixed?
Is the floor flat, smooth, and free from scratches, cracks or damage? Walk around it to
make sure it is good and stable.
Are the walls free from damage? Is the paint
smooth, even and free from bubbles?
Is the ceiling free from any damage? Is the paint
even and free from bubbles or marks?
Are the corners of the rooms free from any
abnormalities and cracks?
Are the cornices (molding between the ceiling
and floor) free from any damage or gaps? (they may also be on your floors)
Are the electric sockets working properly.
Are the telephone / internet sockets present
and working? (If applicable for that room)
Are all lightbulb fittings correct and working?
Do the light switches work?
Do the heating / cooling systems work?
Are the heating / cooling vents properly installed?
Can the windows open and close well?
Are the window frames fixed properly?
Do the window locks work?
Are the rubber and glass free from damage?
Are any windowsills fitted well, with even paint
and free from damage or scratches?

1 thought on “Final Inspection Checklist (FREE PDF)”

  1. Thank you for your checklist . It is a great service.


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