What is a Rostered Day Off (RDO)?

A rostered day off (RDO) is a day in a roster period that an employee doesn’t have to work. This is a form of entitlement provided to employees in order to give them a break from their regular working schedule and to ensure that they have time to attend to personal matters. An RDO is generally set by the employer and is agreed upon by both the employer and the employee in advance.

Benefits of Having an RDO

RDOs provide employees with time away from work, allowing them to attend to personal matters and recharge. This can help to reduce stress and refresh the employee. It also enables employers to give their staff regular time off, which can help to boost morale and increase job satisfaction.

Examples of RDOs

RDOs can take many forms, depending on the employer’s needs and the employee’s preferences. Some examples of RDOs include:

– A fixed day of the week or month, such as the first Monday of every month.

– A rotating day off, such as one day off every two weeks.

– A flexible day off, allowing the employee to choose which day they would like to take off.

How to Manage RDOs

When managing RDOs, it is important to ensure that they are scheduled in a way that works best for the business. To do this, employers should consider the following:

– The operational needs of the business.

– The preferences of the employee.

– The ability to cover any work that needs to be done on the RDO.

By taking these factors into consideration, employers can ensure that RDOs are scheduled in a way that benefits both the employee and the business.


Rostered days off are an important form of entitlement for employees. They provide employees with a break from their regular working schedule and enable them to attend to personal matters. When managing RDOs, employers should consider the operational needs of the business, the preferences of the employee, and the ability to cover any work that needs to be done on the RDO. By doing this, they can ensure that RDOs are scheduled in a way that benefits both the employee and the business.


What is an RDO?

An RDO stands for a Registered Days Off and is a day off from work that is registered and approved by the employer. RDOs are typically given to employees as part of their employment agreement and are usually taken as a day off from work.

What are the benefits of taking an RDO?

Taking an RDO offers a number of benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, taking an RDO allows them to rest and recharge, improving their mental and physical health. For employers, RDOs can help to reduce employee stress and improve productivity.

How often can I take an RDO?

The frequency of RDOs can vary from employer to employer. Generally, employers will agree to a certain number of RDOs per year, with the exact number depending on the terms of the employment agreement.

Can I take an RDO without approval from my employer?

No, RDOs must be approved by the employer in order to be valid. Taking an RDO without approval could result in disciplinary action or dismissal.